Introducing our new digital sheet music viewer

Our interactive sheet music viewer, powered by Noteflight, has undergone some major improvements and is now faster, sleeker, and more customizable than ever before. With this release, titles now load up to 3x faster, menus have been simplified, and you can now choose which parts of your score you wish to view and hear.

These improvements apply across all your devices, so you can access your digital sheet music collection anytime, anywhere.

Log In or Create an Account to check out our new and improved interactive sheet music viewer now!

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Improvements to our interactive sheet music viewer

  • We've listened to your feedback about score loading speed, and we've made some major improvements. Interactive Sheet Music Direct titles now load 3x faster! Browse our sheet music catalog quickly and more efficiently than ever before.

  • You can now toggle on/off which parts of a score you wish to view and hear. Via the new Playback Settings menu (below), you can simply deselect any parts that you don't need to create a customized score. With our popular Piano, Vocal & Guitar arrangements, for example, you can create a piano solo piece by hiding the vocal stave. Similarly, you can choose to hide the piano stave to create a Lead Sheet arrangement. Or, if you wish to play along to a score for practice purposes, you can choose to mute the part you are playing to create an accompaniment backing track. The possibilities are endless!

  • We have streamlined and decluttered the menus in our sheet music viewer to improve your overall experience and to make sure nothing is getting in the way of the most important thing – the music! There are now just five buttons on the viewer toolbar: Play, Playback Settings, Score Settings (below), Print, and Full Screen.

  • We'd love to hear what you think of our new and improved sheet music viewer. Send us an email, Facebook message, or Tweet. Powered by Blogger.